Tuesday, 27 November 2018



Transition: how one shot goes to an another

Continuity editing: one of the most common forms of editing , continuity devices are used to make the edit appear smooth so not to distract the viewer from the narrative 

Axis match: The angle of the camra remains in the same place

Cross Cut/Parallel Cut: editing that alternates between two or more scenes happening at the same time 

Direction match: The direction of a person  or an object is consistent across the cut 

Dissolve: shot A gradually fades and is replacesed with shot B in momentarly superimpositon of both shots

Duration and pacing: The length and rhythm of shots 

Long take: shot that continues for a long time  it could be tracking shot that followes

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

sound term

  • Non-diegetic

title music: theme music
score/intcidental music: orchestral used to connote tone/atmosphere
sound motifs:sound associated with certain characters
sound effects:


Media convergence  is the merging of mass communication outlets – print, television, radio, the Internet along with portable and  Media  con...