Friday, 5 October 2018


mike Stimpson

he is a toy photographer that dose a lot of photos that include Lego

he was born in the west midland and still lives there

he owns a lot of lego he has six boxes of lego bricks and on tin of lego people

All of his 'Classics' series were taken with a Nikon D200 DSLR and Nikkor 105mm macro lens. These days he use a Nikon D800 DSLR with either a Tokina 35mm or Nikkor 105mm macro lens and Nikon SB-800 flashes

he studied chemistry at university a long time ago. I don't use it as much as you'd think. I have no qualifications in art or photography.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice of artist, well done. TARGET:
    - Correct all your capital letter errors (use purple) e.g. the first letter of every sentence and the first letter of your artist's first and second name.



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